Day Nine of Better Bladder Challenge (3 Minute Video)
Clean Up Your Medicine Cabinet
If you have extra antibiotics something may be wrong. We can create very resistant bacteria by repeat incomplete treatments. Sometimes patients stop when they are feeling better (don’t do this). Other times doctors get a negative culture and tell the patient to stop even though it may be a real UTI that didn’t grow on standard culture.
Pyridium turns the urine orange and helps sooth irritated bladders and urethras. It is safe in short courses. Sometimes it is the only thing that helps. You can use too much, it shouldn’t be used more than 3 days in a row.
Avoid using douches and other vaginal products – douches and other feminine products may disrupt your natural flora and in the long run inhibit your ability to fight recurrent UTI.
Exception: If you are post-menopausal, the use of Rephresh brand products, which are over the counter at most pharmacies, is likely not harmful.
Clean up your medicine cabinet. Throw away old prescriptions and unhealthy vaginal products.
Don’t use pyridium more than 3 days in a row.
Dr. Rocky Nelson
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