Episode 9: Box Breathing

Most of us don’t realize that one of the most powerful tools we have to think more clearly, sleep efficiently, destress, and live at the highest levels is within us.

It’s free and available at any time. It’s something we’ve done our entire lives … yet don’t practice it or work on it…. And that’s breathing.

Learn one of many insanely powerful breathing techniques on this episode that will truly change your life when practiced.

Special thanks to our guest Brian Abbale, NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner). You can contact Brian for one-on-one coaching at brianabbale3@gmail.com or follow him on instagram at www.instagram.com/abbale80


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Listen to The Podcast Here

Key Points From the Episode:

  • The physical benefits you receive from box breathing
  • What is breath work
  • How you should look at and manage stress
  • How to do box breathing
  • Breathing as an athlete
  • Navy seals are trained to box breath
  • Bring awareness to your breath
  • Not many people are aware of how they are breathing
  • It takes practice
  • The Importance of your breathing when you work out
  • You can box breath anywhere
  • The balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic
  • HRV (heart rate variability)
  • Netflix breathing and how it can help you sleep better
  • Derek tells how box breathing has changed his life
  • Incorporate box breathing into your everyday life
  • You can box breath anywhere
  • It’s not just for athletes it can help you with whatever you are stressed with in life

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