Week 2: Stress Reduction & Sleep

Week 2 is all about stress reduction and sleep!  If you’d like to watch a “Box Breathing” technique podcast to learn more about how it works, why it works, and how to implement into your life, see the video below:

Lot’s of chatter this week in the Fakebook group… join us for some additional tips, discussion and collaboration:




High Level Overview of Tips:

  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Put your device away versus battling to watch the last 30 minutes of Netflix… sleep is more important
  • Get that pillow right
  • Introduce BOX breathing
  • Stop taking the caffeine in obvioius things like coffee and teas, and in the less obvious chocolate cake



Week 1 Video

Lot’s of chatter this week in the Fakebook group… join us for some additional tips, discussion and collaboration:




High Level Overview of Tips:

  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Put your device away versus battling to watch the last 30 minutes of Netflix… sleep is more important
  • Get that pillow right
  • Introduce BOX breathing
  • Stop taking the caffeine in obvioius things like coffee and teas, and in the less obvious chocolate cake



Week 1 Video